Mesfin H. Tewolde
Civil Engineer & Hydrologist [EUR ING MPQF SCNAT ]
The University of Kwazulu-Natal
MScEng Degree: School of Environmental Engineering and hydrology (BEEH), Faculty of Engineering, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, and Durban (South Africa). Research title: « Flood Routing in Ungauged Catchments Using Muskingum Methods. » The project was financed by the Water Research Institute of South Africa. (Printed-book)
The University of Arba Minch
BScEng Degree: Civil engineering, University of Arbaminch, formerly called: Arbaminch Water Technology Institute, Ethiopia. Project title:: «Hare Irrigation Project, Design Report. »
Further Education
February 25, 2021 - June 25, 2021 [150hrs]

Information Géographique en Urbanisme par Quantum GIS (QGIS) /Geographic information in urban planning using Quantum GIS (QGIS)
Institut des Sciences de l'Environnement (ISE)
Université de Genève (UNIGE) & École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

The school of communication, Arts & Digital
CADSchool, Geneva: training of Revit (basic and advanced levels) and Autocad 2D basic and advanced level (CAD)
2011 - 2012
HES-SO Lausanne (Swiss)
Universities of Western Switzerland: Attended engineering courses such as advanced Geomatique and its applications (GEO), Project management and communication (GPR), Construction and environment law (DCN), construction and Structural engineering (CSR), Management and development of water (EAX), Cartography and GIS (SIG), Water treatment and quality and geology and hydrogeology
The University of Fribourg, Switzerland
University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Collaborator, and Research fellow (Doctoral candidate): I have studied ArcGIS et IDRISI, PCI-Geomatica (Orthoeng), ERDAS imagery (Orthobase), satellite images and SLEUTH growth model and subsidence of alluvial soils caused by intensive water withdrawal
Central University of Technology (CUT) South Africa,
Central University of Technology (CUT), South Africa: as a research collaborator, I did research on Small scale rainwater harvesting Technologies for Southern Africa region
1999 (10 days)
The University of Bern, Swiss
Sponsored by the University of Bern, Swiss. training location - Asmara (Eritrea): 10 days of training management of geographic information WIN 95/NT Arcview, and GPS. Center for the Development and Environment, University of Bern
1997(6 months)
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), USA
NRCS, USA: Hydrology for engineers, geology for engineers, structural analyses for engineers, Documentation for construction projects, irrigation techniques, the study of soil Mechanics,
Engineering Skills
Engineering Hydrology (Design Hydrology)
Civil Construction Supervision (Building, Dam, & Irri. infrastructures)
Total-Station and Theodolite
Design and Drawing of civil structures
3D building modeling & BIM collaboration
Engineering Software Skills
ArcGIS, ArcGIS-Pro, WebGIS
PondPack, Flowmaster, Civil-Storm
3D Modelling (Revit et Civil 3D) Revit and AutoCAD, Revizto 4, Solibri, BIM360 softwares
Geomatica, and IDRISI (photogrammetry)
Soft Skills
- Able to communicate easily
- Precision and attention to detail
- Capacity of quick adaptation
- Sprite of initiation
- Time Management
- Analyse, manage and administer a team of professionals
- Problem-Solving
- Social Networking
- Flexibility