Mesfin H. Tewolde
Civil Engineer & Hydrologist [EUR ING MPQF SCNAT ]

2021 | CAS 3, 2021: Report Tewolde MH (2021) Analyse spatiale d’emploi plein temps secondaire réalisée sur les quartiers de commune de Genève, Information Géographique en Urbanisme, CAS 3, Institut des Sciences de l’Environnement (ISE), Université de Genève (UNIGE) & École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Suisse 728 Downloads |
2009 | P S van Heerden, C T Crosby, B Grové, N Benadé, E Theron, R E Schulze & MH Tewolde (2009), Integrating and Updating of SAPWAT and PLANWAT to Create a Powerful and User-Friendly Irrigation Planning Tool, WRC report No. TT 391/08.Water Resources Commission, Pretoria, RSA 1406 Downloads |
2008 | Seminars: Tewolde MH (2008), Seminar in Geomorphology: Subsidence in alluvial soils caused by intensive water withdrawal, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. 822 Downloads PPT_Link |
2007 | Peer-reviewed Articles and Reports Smithers JC, KT Chetty, Frezghi MS, DM and Knoesen Tewolde MH (2007) Development and assessment of a continuous simulation modeling system for design flood estimation, WRC Report No. 1318/1/07. Water Resources Commission, Pretoria, 1459 Downloads |
2006 | Tewolde MH and JC Smithers (2006) Flood routing in ungauged catchments using Muskingum methods. Journal of Water South Africa. 2641 Downloads |
2008 | Tewolde MH (2008), Image Orthorectifying and mosaicking using PCI-Geomatica, (Steps are shown using an aerial photograph in Bulle area) and preparation of files for SLEUTH urban and land-use change model, University of Fribourg, Switzerland. 866 Downloads |
2006 | Tewolde MH (2006), Rainwater Harvesting Technology for Small Households, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa. 1221 Downloads |
2024 | Books and Chapters in Books: Tewolde MH (2024) Flood Routing in Ungauged Catchments using Muskingum Methods. LAMBERT Publishers, Moldova, EU. 4444 Downloads |
2005 | Conferences: Tewolde MH and Smithers JC (2005) Flood Routing in Ungauged Catchments Using Muskingum Methods. Poster International Conference on Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Global Change: A North-South Analysis, Bonn, Germany. 691 Downloads |
2002 | Tewolde MH (2002), Flood Routing, School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, RSA. 483 Downloads |
2002 | Accessing Excellence (“Honors Class”): Before transitioning towards a master’s program in hydrology. Tewolde MH (2002) Hydrological dam design, School of Bioresources Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, RSA 866 Downloads |
2002 | Tewolde MH (2002) Forest Hydrology, Seven Oaks Experiment Station, School of Bioresources. Engineering and Environmental Hydrology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg. 1698 Downloads |
2000 | Sample Project Design Paper, Eritrea: Tewolde MH, Tareke, S and Gebrehiwot, T. (2000) Berhnet earth-fill dam report, Land and Water Resource Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Asmara, Eritrea. 1429 Downloads |
1995 | Undergraduate Papers: Tewolde MH, Mitiku B, Tamir M. and Seid S. (1995) Hare Irrigation Project Design Report, Department of Irrigation Engineering, Arbaminch Water Technology Institute, Arbaminch, Ethiopia. 5261 Downloads |